title sequence

In this project was to come up with a fake documentary that have some sort of relation to me and make a title sequence of it. And the story of my grandfather pop up in my head. So, I decided to do a title sequence about North Korean Defectors based on the story of my grandfather who is a actual defector.


The story of my grandfather was more shocking and interesting than what I know from the news. And to emphasize the feeling of that I chose to use greyscale with red as one highlight color. The color red can mean many things. It represents “blood”, “the communist party” or “rusty fence” defectors had to climb over.


I wanted every elements I use on this project to be meaning something relate to the story. And I found some old Korean newspapers about Defectors and satellite view of North Korea and the border. I made them into greyscale and used halftones effect and used them as a background textures.

thank you!




Design Research